All content is now on the Clifton Village website, click the links to visit the new pages

We've moved to the Clifton Village website

Questions Questions?

Your questions answered

Why have you moved content ?

There are just two people who manage the various village websites. Not only is this confusing to find information, we’re duplicating work and struggling to keep everything up to date. We’re now working on moving the forum website too.

Can I help ?

If you have website skills, can write engaging copy, have an artistic talent or great with a camera – we’d love to hear from you.

We’re all volunteers, so payment is only the occasional packet of biscuits and the warm feeling of knowing you’re helping our village community!

What about the old content ?

We saved everything from the website, although not everything is live on the village website yet, it’s all safety tucked away in our archive for a rainy day.

How do I contact the CVCA ?

The various cvca email addresses still work, it’s just the website content that has moved.

Who owns ?

The website is owned by the community