All content is now on the Clifton Village website, click the links to visit the new pages

Clifton Village

Last year we announced a plan to combine all the various Clifton Village websites/information at one website. We’ve made progress with this over the least few months, and all village events will now only be published at Our news section will move to Clifton Village in January 2021, the rest of our content will […]

Update from CVCA

We hope you are keeping safe and well in these strange times! It’s when things are difficult that our community spirit, keeping the village together, shines through. The physical distancing restrictions imposed by COVID-19 have curtailed our usual activities, and so we have found new ways of keeping the community connected. We thought you would […]

Memorial stone consecration – update

We have an update on our plans to hold a short consecration service for the new memorial stone.  We had planned to hold a short service on VJ Day (Sunday 16 August). Unfortunately, the current ‘spike’ in reported COVID cases means we are unable to hold the service, even though it would be outdoors, and […]

New memorial stone

We wanted to share with you the news about a new memorial stone for those Clifton men who died in WWII

New slide inauguration

Clifton 4th March at 3:30pm, Clifton’s new slide was offically opened by our competition winner, under the careful supervision of Cllr. Howard Blagbrough. The installation of the new slide took longer than anticpated, due to the poor weather we’ve recently experienced, and so it was a collective yipeeeee that the new slide was finally tested. […]

Clifton Park update – Dec

The slide is ordered and should be installed within about 8 weeks. We are buying it from a Calderdale Approved Supplier called SutcliffePlay based near Wakefield.They also supplied and fitted the Springies.Please be aware it is the maximum height available for a freestanding slide – 2.1 m – designed for 6 to 12 years. Please […]

Clifton Park update Nov 19

The Clifton Village Community is delighted to announce the arrival of new play equipment! We’re raising funds to improve the Clifton park, and two ‘springies’ have now been installed. It’s through fundraising, grant applications and donations that we can fund village projects. The 2019 Scarecrow Festival raised over £4,000 for t’park improvements, since then we […]

Village update – June

Clifton War Memorial Railings Restored

Clifton’s War Memorial Railings restoration completed! The Clifton Village Community Association (CVCA) is delighted to announce the restoration of the War Memorial Railings has been completed. The project was co-ordinated by CVCA volunteers and was made possible through funding from Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council and the CVCA. The restoration was undertaken by GB Stonecleaning, who […]